At the time of writing, all programs are currently owned by the Tribeca DAO Smart Wallet.
At the time of writing, this Smart Wallet currently has three signers in a 2-of-3 multisig configuration: the Saber team, 0xGoki, and michaelhly.
The Smart Wallet currently has no timelock: we plan on adding this in once more serious users start launching their DAOs on the platform and after Goki exits private beta.
All programs are deployed on mainnet-beta
and devnet
and are verified on the Anchor verified build system.
Address: Govz1VyoyLD5BL6CSCxUJLVLsQHRwjfFj1prNsdNg5Jw
The govern
program handles proposals, voting, and queueing of transactions into a Smart Wallet.
Address: LocktDzaV1W2Bm9DeZeiyz4J9zs4fRqNiYqQyracRXw
The locked-voter
program locks up governance tokens for a user-provided duration in exchange for increased voting power.
Address: GokivDYuQXPZCWRkwMhdH2h91KpDQXBEmpgBgs55bnpH
The smart-wallet
program is a multisig Solana wallet with Timelock capabilities.